Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Rare Flyby

Last Saturday, I was at the Watsonville Fly-in and Airshow, and saw this:
A formation flyby of a P-51, a P-40 (of Flying Tigers fame), and an F6F Hellcat. It's not often one gets to see living history this closely.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A bad day for a President...

Shortly after a snowy night in DC, Barack Obama wakes up, looks out the window, and sees that SOMEBODY has pissed the words "OBAMA SUCKS" into the snow. Livid, he calls in the Secret Service and FBI and demand they find out who did it.

Later, the head of the Secret Service detail reports back.

"Mr. President, we know who the culprit is."

"Well, tell me!' says the Prez.

"You're not gonna like it, sir."

"Tell me anyway. I'm a grown man - I can handle it."

"All right, Mr. President. DNA analysis is conclusive - the urine is Joe Biden's."

"Oh, my God! My own Vice President?!?"

"It's worse than that, sir."

"How could it possibly be worse?"

"It's Michelle's handwriting."


Monday, May 4, 2009

Talk about "Finishing Strong"...!

A few weeks ago, I put up a post featuring a video that asked "are you going to finish strong?", which was, I think, inspiring to us all.
Now, just this last weekend, we've seen a real example.
Here is a replay of the 2009 Kentucky Derby; keep your eye on the horse that's DEAD LAST:

MINE THAT BIRD was so far behind halfway through the race even his owners didn't think he could win. The horse thought differently - he had no clue he was a 50-1 longshot. As Garfield the Cat once said: :"It's amazing what you can accomplish when you don't know what you can't do."
THAT'S what "finish strong" means. It didn't matter he was dead last through most of the race - he finished strong, and won. And the same goes for YOU. You may be WAY behind the pack. You may feel like you're dead last. But you can win if you finish strong.