Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Explain it again, REAL SLOW...

"… ‘cause I’m having a R-E-A-L problem understanding the concept.And that
leads me to believe that one of two things is going on here: (1) I am
extremely slow on the up-take, or (2) you are not making any sense.

I appreciate the whole "our guy lost" thing – a circumstance that, by its
very nature, is bound to incite anger, encourage a desire for revenge, and lead
otherwise decent and intelligent people to glut themselves on sour grapes to the
point of losing all common sense – along with their sense of perspective.

But what I am still struggling to understand is this whole anti-Christ thingy
that’s been attributed to Democrats and liberals for decades, an epithet now
squarely aimed at our president-elect, Barack Obama, with a vengeance that I
seem to remember – and please, correct me if I am wrong – was once His and His
alone – or so sayeth, or speaketh, or whatevereth the Lord God Almighty (who
some pseudo-Christians might still vaguely recall from some sermon they heard in
a land long ago and faraway, in the time before Jesus and his teachings
became available in the Xtreme DVD edition, complete with extras, out-takes, and
behind-the-scenes footage never before aired in the churches of the nation)
might have said, at one time or another, when the MSM wasn't there to report

Yep, still strugglin’ here – struggling to understand how speaking up for
middle-class workers and their right to a decent wage is an affront to the
Sermon on the Mount (and if you haven’t checked it out lately, it’s worth a
second read). Still struggling to understand how promoting affordable
healthcare for every American is a direct slap-in-the-face to the Nazarene,
who pointed out that we are our brother’s keeper – and whether we’d applied
for the job or not, it was expected that we’d at least give the idea
some serious thought – and maybe even a little bit of effort."

See the rest here.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

For all the Conservatives in a fetal position

Read the full thing here

We all know that tonight Barack Obama will be elected President. And that
has neocons quivering and snarling. I've seen message boards across the web
polluted with comments about how the world is ending, America will be dead, they
are lining up to buy ammunition (seriously!), etc. As usual the loyal McCain
supporters insist we're deluded for not choosing the GOP, despite the fact their
party has run the show for eight years and done an abysmal job at it, and
they've run a pair of clowns too old, incompetent and stupid to possibly deserve
election.So I'd just like to say to the infuriated GOP loyalists right
now:You're NOT going to be driven underground to live in the sewers for the next
four years.You're NOT going to be deported.You're NOT going to start
contributing 50% or 75% or 90% of your paycheck for "socialist wealth
redistribution."You're NOT going to see your religion banned or outlawed.You're
NOT going to receive a visit from the Federal government asking you to hand in
your guns.You're NOT going to see the Russians/Chinese/Al Qaeda walking down
Main Street in your town having "been handed the keys by Barack Obama" or some
such drivel.You're NOT going to see your children forced to marry blacks, turn
gay, become Satanist, or any other insane nonsense.You're NOT going to see
abortionists in your children's schools looking for eager customers.And in four
years, when all these fears and terrors you have concerning President Obama fail
to materialize, I hope you will have the guts and decency to admit you were
wrong about him and vote for his re-election.